Gallery: Transformers Earthrise Trailbreaker

With wave 3’s arrival, the middle segment of the Transformers War For Cybertron Trilogy comes to a close. Yet in spite of Earthrise’s near-universal love, it’s difficult to let it go without a slight pang of disappointment. We’re all rushing to get to Kingdom but it feels a bit sudden, doesn’t it? We’re generally conditioned to expect at least 4 waves from the various pocket dimensions of Generations we’ve visited over the years – but Earthrise was bowled out at 3. A great shame given that it stood out for a multitude of positive reasons, and the shunting of several beloved characters to the ‘pain the rear to get hold of for anyone not located in the USA’ exclusive category (I’m glaring at you Runabout) suggests it still had plenty more to say in a hypothetical 4th wave. What could\should have been, sigh.

All that being said, wave 3 still manages to send Earthrise off with a final round of fantastic toys including one character that is particularly iconic. Featuring plenty of new features and a colour scheme dipped in the paint tin labelled ‘nostalgia’, Trailbreaker retools Hoist in a flip of their vintage releases. This is the third deluxe scale Trailbreaker toy we’ve seen within Generations but is it the best? Find out for yourself by scrolling down to see the full gallery below.

earthrise trailbreaker toyota hilux

“Big wheels say a lot about a bot, so Big Daddy tells me.”

Transformers Earthrise Trailbreaker side

“Showroom fresh.”

Earthrise Trailbreaker vehicle mode desert

“I don’t get many Uber rides out here, but it’s a rocky time for the business. Get it? Hahaha!”

transformers more than meets the eye part 2 trailbreaker radar dish

“Even with all of this advanced Cybertronian technology – I still can’t pick up Channel 5.” (That’s a British joke)

transformers earthrise trailbreaker review

“An Autobot’s as good as the fuel in his tank…and I’ve got a big tank.”

Earthrise Trailbreaker, Cliffjumper and Prowl

“Go for a peaceful, relaxing walk they said…”

“I have cartoon accuracy to thank for this mouth.”

Earthrise trailbreaker, Prowl, cliffjumper, rumble and frenzy

“I told you kids not to play football near my bins!”

I got my Trailbreaker from the great Kapow Toys and if you like Transformers, GI:JOE, MOTU, Figuarts or pretty much any other toyline, then head over to their website to browse out their incredible selection of toys.

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